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SPRING SALE! Huge savings on CPAP Machines, CPAP masks, CPAP Accessories, and more! SHOP NOW!

SPRING SALE! Huge savings on CPAP Machines, CPAP masks, CPAP Accessories, and more! SHOP NOW!

SPRING SALE! Huge savings on CPAP Machines, CPAP masks, CPAP Accessories, and more! SHOP NOW!

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Symptoms, Causes, & Treatments

OSA Fact Sheet

What is obstructive sleep apnea?

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a breathing problem that occurs when we sleep. The upper airway keeps blocking, partially or totally, because the tongue and upper muscles in the throat relax, causing an obstruction in breathing (apnea) lasting over 10 seconds. This obstruction or pause in breathing occurs repeatedly throughout the night. The pauses are followed by gasping, snoring and/or restlessness.

During normal sleep (A) , the muscles that control your tongue and soft palate hold the airway open. If these muscles relax, your airway will become narrower (B) and the soft or floppy part of the throat vibrates; the noise of snoring results. If your throat is already narrow, or the muscles relax too much, your airway can become completely blocked (C), which prevents breathing.

People with untreated OSA can stop breathing hundreds of times per night. A 2013 study showed that almost one in ten Australians have undiagnosed moderate-severe OSA.¹



the muscles that control your tongue & soft palate hold the airway open.



the muscles that control your tongue & soft palate hold the airway open.



the muscles that control your tongue & soft palate hold the airway open.



the muscles that control your tongue & soft palate hold the airway open.

How Might OSA Affect Me?

OSA is associated with snoring, but untreated OSA is linked with several health and wellbeing issues, including;

Daytime sleepiness/fatigue

Elevated blood pressure

Weight gain

Memory problems

Difficulty concentrating

Erectile dysfunction


Job impairment

Motor vehicle accidents

A 2016 Australian study showed that, compared to those without sleep apnea, men with sleep apnea had significantly poorer physical, mental, and self-rated health.

How is OSA diagnosed?

OSA is diagnosed with a sleep study test. This involves using equipment that records your brain and heart activity, breathing, oxygen levels, and body position throughout the night. Portable equipment is available which allows the sleep study test to be performed in the comfort of your own home.

Can OSA Be Treated?

Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) therapy is the recognised gold standard non-surgical OSA treatment. PAP therapy devices create a mild airflow which is delivered through a mask to your throat. The airflow creates pressure that keeps the upper airways open while you sleep, which maintains oxygen levels and stops the apnea episodes. This enables the deep and restorative sleep phases to be reached which are vital for good health.

The benefits of PAP therapy include:

  • reduced risk of OSA complications 
  • improved glucose metabolism¹²
  • improved sleep quality 
  • eliminated or reduced snoring
  • reduced daytime fatigue/sleepiness
  • enhanced concentration and focus
  • lower blood pressure
  • increased energy
  • improved mood
  • enhanced libido

How do I find out if I have OSA?

If you suspect you have OSA, it’s important to get diagnosed by a health professional & start treatment. Click here to do a self-screening test & organize a doctor’s referral. Whether it’s peace of mind or support to take the next step towards a healthier you, we are here to assist you on your journey.




Fatigue: The forgotten symptom of sleep apnea

Reference Link


Interactions Between Obesity and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Reference Link


Memory & Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Meta-Analysis

Reference Link


Cognitive complaints in obstructive sleep apnea

Reference Link


Headache and sleep

Reference Link


The Effect of OSA on Work Disability and Work-Related Injuries

Reference Link


Sleep Apnea and Hypertension: Interactions and Implications for Management

Reference Link


Association between obstructive sleep apnea and erectile dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Reference Link


Effect of continuous positive airway pressure on type 2 diabetes mellitus and glucose metabolism

Reference Link


High prevalence of undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnoea in the general population and methods for screening for representative controls

Reference Link


Driving with undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): High prevalence of OSA risk in drivers who experienced a motor vehicle crash

Reference Link


Sleep apnoea in Australian men: disease burden, co-morbidities, and correlates from the Australian longitudinal study on male health

Reference Link